Fundraising Campaign
We did it.
Actually, to be more precise, YOU did it.
We just sharpened our pencils and did the math.
Here’s how it happened on the last day of our capital campaign drive: On the afternoon of March 30, 2017, a message went out sharing the news that we were just $8,500 from making our capital goal of $11 million. A flurry of phone calls, texts and kind givers saw how close we were. And then …
… the first text came in. "I'll do $1,000."
Then another one. "Put our family down for $2,000."
"We'll do $2,500," came another.
Moments later, "I'll cover $1,000."
Then, "We're in for "$1,000."
And finally ... show us at $1,000."
Fifteen minutes after the announcement had been emailed that we were close ... it was done.
So, yes ... you did it.
And when you did, your generosity amounted to a collective donation that was covered sevenfold by four generous Midland foundations.
That part of the story went like this: When we arrived at $9.5 million raised, The Henry Foundation told us they would kick in $100,000, which would get us to $9.6 million. At that point, The Abell-Hanger Foundation had advised they would gift us with $150,000, which would get us to $9.75 million. At that point, The Scharbauer Foundation had told us they had approved $250,000 for us. With that gift assured, we would then be at $10 million, which was where we had to be in order to qualify for The Mabee Foundation’s final gift of $1 million, which would get us to $11 million.
The dominoes didn't fall. They sat up straight, one at a time, as if readying themselves to play their part.
During our capital campaign, we were assisted by a total of 14 foundations, and an equal number of supportive pastors and church communities, who gave us written letters of support, and almost 450 individual financial donors, all working together to help bring The Way Retreat Center to Midland.
It was quite an inspiration.
And so now, as they say (whoever they are) … the work begins.
By the time you read this, our builders will be preparing to pour concrete and the foundation at our construction site. From there, a chapel will rise from what is the highest point in Midland County and it will be completed by November. In December, two other structures — the hacienda, and the main retreat center building — will be completed, and by March 2018, seven casitas will be finished. We will then be fully functional as a retreat center for 80 overnight guests and opened for business.
In the meantime, we will be working behind the scenes on operational issues personnel, budgeting, outfitting kitchens and guest rooms, establishing policies, procedures and fee scales. Later this year, all the questions you have been asking will be answered.
Midland has long been known for its generosity. All the evidence you need can be seen in the remarkable team effort of so many people of different faith backgrounds coming together with our generous community-minded foundations. I have seen it for 30 years here, and I have not once been disappointed: this place, this community, works together to make our common home better for us all. And we not only meet, but we exceed our objectives for helping one another and by helping the less fortunate. You may not see this happen every day -- unless you slow down and take a look. Then you will not only see people working to better their home, you will also see the very presence of God.
And you will see yourself.
From our board of directors and our committed fundraising team, thank you for all you have done for our community. Very soon, we know you will like what you have helped turn into reality when you visit The Way Retreat Center.
God bless you all, and know that we will continue to keep you up to date.
In Christ,
Jimmy Patterson
Interim Director